Travel ticket types
- Single ticketA single ticket allows a single trip to be made between the town of origin and a destination town. It can be purchased by all users of the public transport system (without any identification) and can be paid for in cash, either at a ticket office or on the bus itself
- Discounted ticketThe discounted ticket allows a single trip to be made between the town of origin and a destination town at a price lower than that of the single ticket. In the case of T-SILVER cardholders, which is the card for large families, this discount will be 50% off the price of the ticket.
- T-20It is a type of ticket corresponding to a set of 20 tickets bought in advance of their use and added to the T-GENERAL and T-SILVER cards. There are five different types of T-20 tickets, depending on the distance in kilometres and other circumstances
- Free ticketThe discounted ticket allows a single trip to be made between the town of origin and a destination town with a 100% discount on the price of the single ticket. This is aimed at user of the T-Gold card.